Eugene Oregon Marriage License
Oregon marriage License fee is $60. License is valid 60 days. Minimum age to marry is 18. Waiting period is 3 days. No blood test or residency requirements. Births, deaths, marriage licenses, dissolutions, court filings. Of Eugene died Sept. Marriage license applications.
GENERAL INFORMATION Hours for obtaining a marriage license are 9:00 A.M. And 1:00 P.M. To 3:45 P.M., Monday through Friday. Siemens tia portal v13 sp1. The fee for the license is $60.00 in cash, check, or money order. No credit or debit cards are accepted.
Please allow 15-20 minutes to obtain a license. A decorative marriage certificate may be purchased for $1.00. These are not legal documents and may not be used as proof of marriage.
Eugene Oregon Marriage License
BIRTH CERTIFICATES We strongly recommend that you bring your birth certificates in to our office when applying for your marriage license. This is because various state and federal agencies require that the information on your marriage license exactly match the corresponding information on your birth certificate. CERTIFIED COPY Once the marriage has taken place, and the completed marriage license is returned to the County Clerk, an official 'certified' copy of the license can be obtained from the County Clerk for $7.75. The certified document is considered the 'legal' copy, and can be used by the applicants to change their name on items like a driver's license or social security card. LICENSE CONDITIONS There is a three-day waiting period from the day the license is issued until it can be used. Once the license is usable, it is valid for a 60-day period. A license may be obtained in any county in Oregon, and can only be used in the State of Oregon.
No extensions of time or refunds of money are made once the license is issued. AGE REQUIREMENT Legal age for marriage in the State of Oregon for applicants is 18 years-of -age. A seventeen-year-old can be married if the parent or guardian gives consent. The parent or guardian must complete a consent form at the time the applicants make application for their marriage license.
Oregon Marriage License Application
MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS Medical examinations and blood tests are no longer required by the State of Oregon in order to obtain the marriage license. LICENSES NOT ISSUED Oregon State law does not allow the marriage of first cousins or nearer kin. DUPLICATE LICENSE If an issued license is lost or destroyed, it can be replaced at the county clerkâs office. The fee for a duplicate license packet is $10.00.