Evolution Making Sense Of Life Zimmer Pdf To Excel
About the Book: In 2011, science writer Carl Zimmer and evolutionary biologist Douglas Emlen teamed up to write a textbook intended for biology majors that would inspire students while delivering a solid foundation in evolutionary biology. Now they’ve updated the second edition of Evolution: Making Sense of Life with accounts of the latest scientific research, new illustrations, and an entirely new chapter on human evolution. Students will learn the fundamental concepts of evolutionary theory, such as natural selection, genetic drift, phylogeny, and coevolution. Evolution: Making Sense of Life also drives home the relevance of evolution for disciplines ranging from conservation biology to medicine.
This book and not others about evolution by Carl Zimmer. Embed identifying information into the PDF. Biological science 2nd edition freeman 2005 dodge. [Book] Evolution: Making sense of life. Book summary: A comprehensive, engaging textbook about evolution for biology majors now in its second edition.
Douglas Emlen
With riveting stories about evolutionary biologists at work everywhere from the Arctic to tropical rain forests to hospital wards, the book is a reading adventure designed to grab the imagination of the students, showing them exactly why it is that evolution makes such brilliant sense of life. Evolution: Making Sense of Life is also accompanied by a study guide and other supplementary materials. For more information, visit the. If you teach an evolution class and would like a desk copy of Evolution: Making Sense of Life. Please send an email to.