Respiratory Therapy Programs In Ontario

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. STETHOSCOPES ORDER FORMS: Note: PDF Stethoscope Forms can be filled out & emailed by hitting “Submit” if you have a browser and/or email client set-up to do so. If not, please download, print & mail them to 18 Wynford Dr., Suite 405, Toronto M3C 0K8 RTSO MERCHANDISE & ORDER FORMS CLICK ON THUMBNAIL TO ORDER REPORTS & RELEASES Proposed E-Cigarette Legislation “Once again, Ontario is on the leading edge of tobacco-related policies, Associate Health Minister Dipika Damerla introducing legislation banning all flavoured tobacco, including menthol, and treating e-cigarettes like traditional cigarettes.

The Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists (CSRT) is the national professional association for respiratory therapists. The CSRT is dedicated to excellence in. To work as a Respiratory Therapist in Ontario. 'The Michener Institute Respiratory Therapy Program provided me with an incredible opportunity to learn my. Respiratory Therapy 3 years – Ontario College Advanced. Society of Respiratory Therapists to become a Registered Respiratory Therapist. Within the program.

Aiming for passage of the bill to take effect January 1, 2016, the law would limit the sale and consumption of e-cigarettes by anyone under 19 years of age and their use would be restricted to the same places as regular cigarettes. With backing from the Board of Directors, Kyle Davies forwarded the following letter to Associate Health Minister Damerla supporting the proposed legislation on behalf of the RTSO.” 2018/19 RTSO AND REGISTRATION NOW AVAILABLE Autumn 2017 AIRWAVES RTSO LEADERSHIP SUMMIT MOHLTC Information & Updates on work supported by the Patients First Act, 2016 SPECIAL RTSO CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE NOW AVAILABLE! Partnering for Primary Care Salary Compensation, Phase 2 ALERTS MEMO to Medical Officers of Health, Health Sector Employers and Health Care Workers in Ontario in regards to the rescinding of the Ebola virus disease directives, release of guidance for Ebola and Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers and the release of a new plan- Building a Ready and Resilient Health System EDUCATION EVENTS NEW FREE SELF-MANAGEMENT TRAINING FOR RESPIRATORY THERAPISTS As a system partner, the CECCAC is supporting an expanded role for self-management approaches and training, throughout the health system. The CECCAC, through our Self-Management Program, would like to invite all health care providers to participate in workshops to gain additional skills in self-management communication.

SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS and CONFERENCES TORONTO REHAB EDUCATION At Toronto Rehab, we share our knowledge with practicing health care professionals to support the learning of new skills through a series of seminars, conferences, workshops, and symposia every year.

When you can't breathe, nothing else matters. And for many people in our communities, the simple act of taking a breath requires determination and a vital mix of professional assistance. With an advanced diploma in Respiratory Therapy, you'll learn the knowledge and skills that are not only in-demand all over the country, but vital to the health of our communities. You'll earn practical and academic requirements for a career as a Respiratory Therapist. You'll emerge from Fanshawe's Respiratory Therapy program able to perform diagnostic tests such as pulmonary function, cardiac stress and sleep behaviour.

You'll work in Fanshawe's brand new clinical labs, using and equipment, learning from experts in the field. You'll have hands-on experience in a clinical internship in the third year of this highly competitive program.

You'll learn from a nationally-approved and accredited curriculum, giving you the scientific foundation and clinical experience you'll need to practice at the entry-level in Ontario, the rest of Canada, or the rest of the world – as soon as you graduate. Whether you want to work with private companies or in public hospitals, in homecare, sales, community care or research, when you graduate you'll be eligible to write national certifications exams and apply for a license with the College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario or other regions of Canada. Help people breathe.

Health Occupations Aptitude Examination (HOAE) - Applicants to the Respiratory Therapy Program must complete the HOAE as part of the application process. Post-Admission Requirements The following items are applicable to the program and are time sensitive. Please refer to for important information about preparing for placement by the due date. Possession of a Standard First Aid course certificate (either St. John Ambulance or Canadian Red Cross or equivalent) and a Basic Rescuer course certificate - Basic Life Support (BLS) for BLS Providers course in accordance with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Canadian Guidelines for CPR. Evidence of Good Health. Police Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening, including a check of the Pardoned Sexual Offenders Database.

Placement Agreement. Respiratory Therapy-2018/2019 Level 1 Credits Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: WRIT-1048 Reason & Writing 1 for Health Sciences 3 This course will introduce health sciences students to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking. RESP-1026 Health & Safety in Disease Prevention 3 The purpose of this course is to introduce students in the Respiratory Therapy program to pathogenic and physiological processes and their role in disease transmission. The students will also gain a general overview of relevant health and safety practices related to respiratory care. The competencies as taught, reinforced and evaluated will follow the 2016 Respiratory Therapy National Competency Framework (NCF) as well as the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development (MAESD) Respiratory Therapy Vocational Learning Outcomes which details the competencies as required for credentialing and entry-to-practice. While the format for this course delivery is didactic classroom setting, it is expected that the student will conduct themselves in a professional manner as outlined in the Program Policies and Program Description.

ANAT-1029 Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology 1 4 This course focuses on specialized concepts of cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology. It emphasizes the hierarchical organization of the human body, the intimate relationship between structure and function, and the homeostatic regulation of organ systems. The course is offered in two parts and provides the theoretical underpinnings for the study of applied disciplines such as pathophysiology and pharmacology. RESP-1018 Theory of Equipment 4 This course introduces the student to the primary equipment used within the field of respiratory care. Subject matter includes in-depth analysis of all modes and types of equipment used for the therapies as outlined in the Detailed Content section. The competencies as taught, reinforced and evaluated will follow the 2011 Respiratory Therapy National Competency Profile (NCP) which details the competencies as required for credentialing and entry-to-practice.

While the format for this course delivery is didactic classroom setting, it is expected that the student will conduct themselves in a professional manner as outlined in the Program Policies and Program Description. RESP-1023 Professional Issues in Respiratory Care 2 This course will introduce students to various professional issues confronting health care providers in today's world. Topics of concern to the Respiratory Therapist such as professional behaviour, professional associations, maintaining practice competency, communication, documentation and legal standards will be discussed in the large group setting. The competencies as taught, reinforced and evaluated will follow the 2011 Respiratory Therapy National Competency Profile (NCP) which details the competencies as required for credentialing and entry-to-practice. While the format for this course delivery is didactic classroom setting, it is expected that the student will conduct themselves in a professional manner as outlined in the Program Policies and Program Description. RESP-1020 Clinical Applications 1 1.5 This course allows the student to perform practical applications of respiratory equipment and procedures as learned in RESP-1018 in a safe simulation environment. Focus will be on the acquisition of technical, hands-on skills for basic equipment and development of basic psychomotor skills including perception and readiness to act.


The competencies as taught, reinforced and evaluated will follow the 2011 Respiratory Therapy National Competency Profile (NCP) which details the competencies as required for credentialing and entry-to-practice. The student will conduct themselves in a professional manner as identified within the curriculum conceptual framework and as detailed in the Program Policies and Program Description. CHEM-1107 Physiological Chemistry 2 This course introduces the student to the fundamental chemical principles required to understand the concepts presented. Emphasis will be placed on the chemistry of fluid and electrolyte balance and maintenance of acid base balance within the fluid compartments of the human body. Subject matter includes in-depth analysis of all concepts presented as outlined in the Detailed Content section.

The competencies as taught, reinforced and evaluated will follow the 2011 Respiratory Therapy National Competency Profile (NCP) which details the competencies as required for credentailing and entry-to-practice. While the format for this course delivery is didactic classroom setting, it is expected that the student will conduct themselves in a professional manner as outlined in the Program Policies and Program Description. HLTH-1101 Research Principles: Intro 3 This is an introductory course into the process and principles of research. Topics will include the purpose of research in health care, the research process, research paradigms, systematic review, reporting research, knowledge translation, and ethics in research. The student will learn about the components and theories of research, how the theories have changed over time, and through scientific methods, how research can impact their life and practice.

This course will also discuss the importance of health care administration; relating to financial concerns of health care, such as public funding, health insurance and managing hospital practice in accordance with a budget. Topics such as assuring compliance with national and provincial regulations and delivery of high quality patient care will also be discussed. Delivery will include large and small group discussion; article critiquing, literature reviews and presentations of scientific articles. Level 2 Credits Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: ANAT-3005 Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology 2 3 This course focuses on specialized concepts of cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology. The course is offered in two parts and provides the theoretical underpinnings for the study of applied disciplines such as pathophysiology and pharmacology. This concludes the study of the structure and function of the respiratory system and continues with a detailed examination of the structure and function of the cardiovascular system.

Interrelated function among body systems and the role of homeostasis will be emphasized. RESP-3012 Assessments in Respiratory Care 4 The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the relevant information related to the knowledge and skills needed for the Respiratory Therapist to be competent at patient assessment. The competencies as taught, reinforced and evaluated will follow the 2011 Respiratory Therapy National Competency Profile (NCP) which details the competencies as required for credentialing and entry-to-practice.

While the format for this course delivery is didactic classroom setting, it is expected that the student will conduct themselves in a professional manner as outlined in the Program Policies and Program Description. HLTH-3057 Systemic Pathophysiology 4 The purpose of this course is to expand upon the students understanding of systemic pathophysiological processes as they pertain to disorders of the cardiac central nervous system, musculoskeletal, endocrine, and the potential implications to the respiratory system.

RESP-3014 Therapeutic Airway Interventions 3 This courses introduces the student to the equipment, assessment strategies and therapeutic techniques as used in the management of the patient's airway and in the provision of an appropriate level of bronchopulmonary hygiene. Subject matter includes in-depth analysis of all modes and types of equipment used for the therapies as outlined in the Detailed Content section. The competencies as taught, reinforced and evaluated will follow the 2011 Respiratory Therapy National Competency Profile (NCP) which details the competencies as required for credentialing and entry-to-practice. While the format for this course delivery is didactic classroom setting, it is expected that the student will conduct themselves in a professional manner as outlined in the Program Policies and Program Description.

RESP-3015 Clinical Applications 2 2 This is the second lab simulation course and will provide the student with continued opportunity for hands-on practical learning of equipment and procedures. Emphasis will include ongoing development of psychomotor skills as they relate to therapeutic interventions such as guided response and the early stages in learning a complex skill. The competencies as taught, reinforced and evaluated will follow the 2011 Respiratory Therapy National Competency Profile (NCP) which details the competencies as required for credentialing and entry-to-practice. The student will conduct themselves in a professional manner as identified within the curriculum conceptual framework and as detailed in the Program Policies and Program Description. RESP-1024 Principles of Mechanical Ventilation 3 The course starts with acquainting the student with the acute care environment, specifically the intensive care unit (ICU) and reasons why patients are in need of mechanical ventilation. There will be in-depth discussion about the physical characteristics of the ventilator used in the acute and chronic care settings and how they respond to the patient's ever changing lung conditions. Ventilator modes and adjunctive techniques on mechanical ventilators will be explained.The competencies as taught, reinforced and evaluated will follow the 2011 Respiratory Therapy National Competency Profile (NCP) which details the competencies as required for credentialing and entry-to-practice.

While the format for this course delivery is didactic classroom setting, it is expected that the student will conduct themselves in a professional manner as outlined in the Program Policies and Program Description. Level 3 Credits Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: PHRM-1058 Pharmacology-Intro 2 This course covers the drugs that affect the central nervous system and common therapeutic agents used by respiratory therapists.

Topics include principles of drug activity, interaction, and pharmaceutical calculations, and the basics of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacotherapeutics. The course also introduces the basics of airway immunology, histology, and remodeling as they relate to pulmonary pharmacology and patient care. Drug classes having a direct impact on respiratory therapy will be studied in detail.

RESP-1019 Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics & Procedures 3 This course will introduce the student to diagnostic procedures as utilized in the practice of Respiratory Therapy. The course will provide an in-depth study of the basis and rationale behind the diagnosis, testing and treatment of cardiopulmonary and associated disorders. Emphasis will be placed on invasive and non-invasive cardiac and pulmonary diagnostic procedures and equipment. Concepts pertaining to professionalism, communication, problem-solving and health and safety will be emphasized. RESP-5018 Principles of Anesthesia 3 This course introduces students to the respiratory therapist's duties in the operating room. Topics covered include the operation, maintenance and safe patient application of anesthetic equipment.

In order to assist the anesthetist in the operating room, this course provides the student with a sound knowledge base in commonly used drugs pre-operatively, intra-operatively and post-operatively. The course is taught in such a way that the student will be able to understand all aspects of anesthesia from the time a patient enters the operating room to the time they awaken in the recovery room.

This includes pre-induction, induction, maintenance and emergence. The competencies as taught, reinforced and evaluated will follow the 2011 Respiratory Therapy National Competency Profile (NCP) which details competencies required for credentialing and entry-to-practice. While the format for this course delivery is didactic classroom setting, it is expected that the student will conduct themselves in a professional manner as outlined in the Program Policies and Program Description. RESP-3017 Orientation to Clinical Experience 1 2 This is the first of two courses that will allow the student to become familiar with the role of the Respiratory Therapist within the health care team, as well as, expectations of students within the team. This course will assume a hybrid delivery format which may include experiential learning within the clinical setting, face-to-face and online enhancement.

Concepts pertaining to professionalism, communication and problem-solving and health and safety will be emphasized. RESP-3016 Clinical Applications 3 2.5 This is the third of four practical course offered in the RST4 curriculum. The student will continue to progress within the Psychomotor Taxonomy up to and including the intermediate stage where responses become habitual and performance is effective and proficient. The focus will be on therapeutic interventions and procedures to enhance and include the health and safety of the patient and therapist. The content will focus on introduction, setup, initiation and maintenance of both non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation, setup, troubleshoot and utilize anesthetic gas machines, assess and provide appropriate therapeutic intervention for pre, post and intraoperative patients, utilize a variety of different tools to assess and interpret pulmonary and cardiac function.

The student will be introduced to high-fidelity simulations utilizing human analog simulators to encourage critical thinking and team-based management. The student will conscientiously ensure that their practice falls within professional legal boundaries along with continued enhancement of concepts pertaining to professionalism, communication, problem-solving and health and safety. RESP-3022 Applications for Mechanical Ventilation 4 This course explores the clinical applications of basic and advanced adjunctive ventilator strategies as they apply to specific pathologies. The course relies on prior learning of basic principles of mechanical ventilation and pathophysiology. It addressing the practical application of mechanical ventilation for the adult patient through collaborative learning including interactive discussions, and online webinars.

Case based clinical scenarios will be explored to determine best practice with respect to ventilator choice and specific applications as they relate to various pathologies. The content of the course, as taught, reinforced, and evaluated will follow the 2011 Respiratory Therapy National Competency Profile (NCP) which details the competencies as required for credentialing and entry-to-practice. It is expected that the student will conduct themselves in a professional manner as outlined in the Program Policies and Program Description. HLTH-5007 Pathophysiology 2-Adv 3 This course will allow the student to differentiate between the pathophysiology of diseases and disorders of the pulmonary system as they relate to Respiratory Therapy. Pathophysiology, etiology, diagnosis, clinical manifestations and treatment of specified acute and chronic disorders will be discussed incorporating case-based scenarios and analysis and problem solving as outlined in the Detailed Content section.

The competencies as taught, reinforced and evaluated will follow the 2011 Respiratory Therapy National Competency Profile (NCP) which details the competencies as required for credentialing and entry-to-practice. While the format for this course delivery is didactic classroom setting, it is expected that the student will conduct themselves in a professional manner as outlined in the Program Policies and Program Description. Level 4 Credits Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: PHRM-5001 Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology 3 Building from the principles learned in Introduction to Pharmacology course, students will be introduced to the clinical application of drugs that have a direct relationship with the cardiopulmonary system. Drugs used in the management of cardiopulmonary disease will be investigated, with attention paid to the clinical indications, pharmacologic activity, route of administration, adverse side effects and therapeutic assessment. Students will also be introduced to drugs used for the management of life-threatening cardiac events that align with current Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) guidelines.

RESP-5017 Neonatal & Pediatric Respiratory Care 4 This course will provide students with respiratory care concepts related to the neonatal and pediatric aged populations. Content will focus on patient and environmental assessment skills, diagnostic interpretations including blood gases and acid-base, pulmonary function testing, electrolytes, and fluid balance, specific disease pathologies and therapeutic interventions as they relate to oxygen and humidity delivery, invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation, and airway and resuscitation skills. Marshall vintage modern 2266 combo.

Respiratory Therapy Programs Length

HLTH-5023 Community Health & Wellness 2 In this course, students will build on learned concepts in aspects of community health and wellness emphasizing health promotion and assessment as they apply to respiratory therapy. This course provides an overview of health care trends and systems related to health issues seen in the community. Students will apply community health concepts and theories at both an individual/family level and at a level of population health. Students' will identify the roles, skills and competencies of the community health respiratory therapist. RESP-5020 Orientation to Clinical Experience 2 2 This course is a continuation from level 3 and will facilitate the student in preparation for clinical practicum placements including finalization of hospital requirements.

This course will assume a hybrid delivery format which may include experiential learning in a clinical setting, face-to-face and online enhancement. Concepts pertaining to professionalism, communication, analysis and problem-solving and health and safety will be emphasized. RESP-5024 Clinical Applications 4 1.5 This is the fourth and final clinical applications course. The student will continue to progress with developing their practical skills, adaptive performance and critical thinking in preparation for clinical practicums.

Through an interactive delivery this course will allow the SRT time to focus on decision making with respect to patients (Adult, Pediatric and Neonatal) needing invasive mechanical ventilation and non-invasive mechanical ventilation. In this course the SRT will also focus on cardio-pulmonary resuscitation skills in adult, pediatric and neonatal demographics.

RESP-3021 Clinical Simulation Activity 1 This course simulates the experiences and environment of working as a Respiratory Therapist in the clinical setting. The student will participate in a variety of adult, neonatal and pediatric high-fidelity simulations with the expectation of enhancing assessment, prioritization, clinical judgment/intervention, documentation and fundamental psychomotor skills. The student will gain an understanding of how to technically and clinically manage a patient scenario.

The student will conscientiously ensure that their practice falls within professional legal boundaries along with continued enhancement of concepts pertaining to professionalism, communication, problem solving and health and safety. The student will utilize reflective practice and use critical thinking skills in problem solving and decision making to ensure quality patient care. RESP-5025 Comprehensive Respiratory Management 4 The purpose of this course is to provide the students an opportunity to build on previously studied concepts, foundational knowledge and patient care. The course will enable the student to apply critical thinking skills to develop an adaptable proficiency required to progress and relate key respiratory care concepts.


Level 5 Credits Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: RESP-1021 Clinical Theory 1 7 The first of three clinical theory courses, this course provides the student the opportunity to build on previously studied theory and to begin to combine and organize all previous program knowledge. The focus of this course as outlined in the detailed content is to reinforce areas of the national competency profile in preparation for clinical practice. RESP-1022 Clinical Practicum 1 13.5 The first of three clinical practicum courses, this course provides the student the opportunity to apply and engage previously studied theory knowledge and skills in a supervised clinical setting. The student will observe and participate in the daily activities of respiratory therapists in the practice of respiratory therapy. Level 6 Credits Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: RESP-3019 Clinical Theory 2 7 The second of three clinical theory courses, this course provides a continuing opportunity for SRT's to build on previously studied theory and to continue to combine and organize all previous program knowledge. The focus of this course as outlined in the detailed content is to reinforce areas of the national competency profile in preparation for clinical practice. RESP-3020 Clinical Practicum 2 13.5 The second of three clinical practicum courses, this course provides the student the opportunity to apply and engage previously studied theory knowledge and skills in a supervised clinical setting.

Respiratory Therapy Programs In OntarioRespiratory therapy programs in michigan

The student will observe and participate in the daily activities of respiratory therapists as they rotate through various practice settings building on their knowledge and skills obtained in Clinical Practicum I. Level 7 Credits Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: RESP-5022 Clinical Theory 3 13 The third of three clinical theory courses, this course provides a continuing opportunity for students to build on previously studied theory and to continue to combine and organize all previous program knowledge.The student will complete a series of adult, neonatal and pediatric case study exercises with the expectation of enhancing assessment, prioritization, clinical judgment and intervention skills. Students will apply objective clinical data into a treatment plan that is based on a valid assessment.

RESP-5023 Clinical Practicum 3 27.75 The third of three clinical practicum courses, this course is a continuation of the clinical practicum that involves supervised practical application of previously studied theory and laboratory simulated skills. The student will be introduced to different and increasingly more complex clinical procedures while under the supervision of a site clinical coordinator and staff respiratory therapists. Gen Ed - Electives Take 9 General Education Credits - Normally taken in Levels 2, 3 and 4 Program Residency Students Must Complete a Minimum of 43 credits in this program at Fanshawe College to meet the Program Residency requirement and graduate from this program. Program Description This three-year, advanced diploma program follows a curriculum approved by the College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario (CRTO), the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists (CRST) and the National Alliance of Respiratory Therapy Regulatory Bodies (NARTRB), and is accredited nationally through the Council on Accreditation for Respiratory Therapy Education (CoARTE). College faculty, together with instructors from the clinical affiliates, provide the scientific foundation and clinical experience required to prepare students for practice at the entry-level within Ontario, as well as nationally and internationally. Graduates of the program must undertake a nationally recognized certification exam in order to make application for credentialing with the College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario (CRTO), or to other Regulators within Canada, dependent upon where they desire to practice.

Graduates who intend to practice in Ontario must apply for registration with the College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario (CRTO). Other Information. Due to the academic and clinical rigor required in the Respiratory Therapy program, applicants applying directly to this program from secondary school, without additional post-secondary education, are encouraged to consider applying to the Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees program. The Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees program is an excellent preparatory program for those considering a career as a health care professional. Certification: Graduates of the program must undertake a nationally recognized certification exam in order to make application for credentialing with the College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario (CRTO) or to other regulators within Canada, dependent upon where they desire to practice. Eligibility for registration in Ontario in any regulated health discipline requires the candidate to provide information regarding any criminal offence or physical/mental condition which may affect practice. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:.

provide cardio-respiratory. care in compliance with relevant legislation, professional standards, codes of ethics and practice setting. policies and procedures. use preventive measures that contribute to a culture of patient and employee health and safety within a range of practice settings.

establish and maintain therapeutic relationships and communicate in a culturally sensitive manner with diverse patients/clients. and their families to support cardio-respiratory. health. collaborate with patients/clients.

and members of the inter-professional health care team to optimize cardio-respiratory. health and well-being. assess and interpret relevant diagnostic and patient information when treating patients/clients. who are experiencing a range of cardio-respiratory. conditions. develop patient's/client's. plan of care in collaboration with patients/clients.

and health care team members by identifying priorities, establishing goals and determining interventions to support optimal cardio-respiratory. outcomes. select, implement, evaluate and modify therapeutic cardio-respiratory. interventions to provide evidence-based, patient-centered care in a range of practice settings. develop, implement and evaluate cardio-respiratory. related learning plans in collaboration with patients/clients., families and health care team members to support client independence and self-management.

complete written and electronic documentation of patient/client. care to meet legal, organizational and professional requirements. read, interpret and participate in research. and use relevant evidence-based findings to inform and guide respiratory therapy practice. engage in reflective practice. and ongoing professional development activities to maintain and enhance competence in the field of respiratory therapy.