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Takze update pomocou Fun7 karty - dakujeme premiumxfun At the zotos site there is software that allows the upgrade of the premiumx receivers using Fun7 cards. I don't know who the #$@ asked for such thing but here it is: How to update your receiver using Fun7 cards. V0.G9Z (Compressed files version) For s/w version 1.70C / 1.90C and above With the use of Fun7 cards, it is possible to update: a. Channel data with 1 fun7 card.
Software with pimg.bin and img.bin with up to 7 fun7 cards c. Key data p2.bin with 1 card d.
Conax.bin with 1 card e. Pre-setting with up to 4 fun7 cards To fit the files in the cards they must be splited.
Procedure: 1. Create a compressed split file using FunCardv1.0.exe. E.g.) PIMG.bin(example file name) Run FunCardv1.0.EXE Click “Open“ to open the required file. If the opened file is correct, and Split file process is successful then you see this message: If PIMG.bin or IMG.bin is opened, Receiver model name will be shown.
Number of split files (128Kbyte each) will be shown in “Split Info” and created files will be shown in “File name”. Execute the “Smart Card Write” Program (e.g. Infinity USB v 1.48 ) a) Insert Fun card into Card Writer Slot, then Detect menu will be opened automatically. By clicking OK Button, menu will show what kind of Fun card is inserted b) In case the card is not recognized automatically, manually choose the right fund card type. C) For Flash, please open “sosse.hex” d) For Int EEprom, please open eedatafun6.hex (in case of fun6 card) or eedatafun7.hex (in case of fun7 card) e) For EEprom1 and EEprom2, please open split files (refer No.1) f) After opening all the files as c), d) & e) press “Write” button to write g) Repeat the procedure a) to f) according to the number of split files 3. STB BOX S/W Update by using written Funcard a) Insert FunCard into STB SMARTCARD Slot - Make sure you insert the cards in the right order. B) If the written data is for Update, message of “F XXn XX(XX: Update%) will be appear and will show the update procedure.
(Image 1, Image 2) c) After reading all the data of inserted card, (Image 3) 'CHFC' message will be shown. Then insert next card and press OK. D) Please repeat a) to c) until the whole update is completed. E) Upon completing, “FLSH” message will be shown. Then the data will be written on Flash. (Image 4) - Make sure that POWER does not turn off during this procedure.
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F) After successful flash Writing, “END” message will be shown. Remove Funcard From STB. (Image 5) STB will be reset (depend on uploaded file type) PLEASE NOTE UPDATE OF MAIN SOFTWARE CAN TAKE UP TO 60 MINUTES!!!
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