Driver Wia Is200ehpag1d
Imaging devices. 16 minutes to read In this article Overview of the Imaging devices technology. To develop Imaging devices, you need these headers:. For the programming guide, see. Functions Title Description The MicroEntry function responds to commands sent by the WIA Flatbed driver.
Canon Scanner WIA Driver User’s Guide 3 The WIA Driver can be started directly as a stand-alone program or it can be started from within an application program. Installing a WIA Scanner Driver with WSD.; 2 minutes to read; Contributors. In this article. To install a WIA scanner driver with WSD, you should use the.
The Scan function reads data from the device and returns the data to the WIA Flatbed driver. The SetPixelWindow function sets the image area to be scanned. The wiasCreateChildAppItem function creates a new application item and inserts it as a child of the specified (parent) item. Note that this item will not have any properties in its property sets until the driver or application actually fills them in.
The wiasCreateDrvItem function creates an IWiaDrvItem Interface object. The wiasCreateLogInstance function creates an instance of a logging object. The wiasCreatePropContext function allocates a property context to indicate which of an item's properties are being changed by the application. This function prints a debug error string in the Device Manager debug console. The output color is always red. This function prints a debug trace string in the Device Manager debug console.
The wiasDownSampleBuffer function takes in a buffer of DWORD-aligned pixel data and downsamples it (produces image data of lower resolution) to the specified size and resolution. The wiasFormatArgs function formats an argument list into a packaged string for logging. The wiasFreePropContext function releases the memory occupied by a WIAPROPERTYCONTEXT structure. The wiasGetChangedValueFloat function determines whether a property with a floating-point value has been changed by an application. The wiasGetChangedValueGuid function determines whether a property with a GUID value has been changed by an application.
The wiasGetChangedValueLong function determines whether a property with a long integer value has been changed by an application. The wiasGetChangedValueStr function determines whether a property with a string value has been changed by an application. The wiasGetChildrenContexts function retrieves an array of item contexts belonging to the current item's children. The wiasGetContextFromName function retrieves the item context for an item name. The wiasGetDrvItem function retrieves a driver item.
The wiasGetImageInformation function retrieves transfer context information from an item. The wiasGetItemType function indicates the item type. The wiasGetPropertyAttributes function retrieves the access flags and valid values for a set of properties. The wiasGetRootItem function retrieves the root item context of a specified WIA item. The wiasIsPropChanged function tests whether a specified property has been changed by an application. The wiasParseEndorserString function parses an endorser string, replacing WIA service-defined and vendor-defined tokens in the string with values associated with those tokens.
The wiasPrintDebugHResult function is obsolete for Windows XP and later, and is no longer supported. Use the WIASLHRESULT macro instead.This function prints an HRESULT string on the Device Manager debug console. The wiasQueueEvent function informs the service that the device generated an event. The wiasReadMultiple function retrieves multiple property values from a WIA item. The wiasReadPropBin function retrieves a binary-data property value from a WIA item. The wiasReadPropFloat function retrieves a floating-point property value from a WIA item.
Wia Driver For Canon Scanner
The wiasReadPropGuid function retrieves a GUID property value from a WIA item. The wiasReadPropLong function retrieves a long integer property value from a WIA item. The wiasReadPropStr function retrieves a string property value from a WIA item.
The wiasSendEndOfPage function calls the client callback routine during a data transfer, sending the current total page count. The wiasSetItemPropAttribs function sets the access flags and valid values for an item's set of properties. The wiasSetItemPropNames function writes property names to item properties.
The wiasSetPropChanged function modifies a property context to indicate that a property is being changed. The wiasSetPropertyAttributes function sets the access flags and valid values for a set of properties. The wiasSetValidFlag function sets the valid values for a WIAPROPFLAG property. The wiasSetValidListFloat function sets valid values for a WIAPROPLIST property of type VTR4.
The wiasSetValidListGuid function sets valid values for a WIAPROPLIST property of type VTCLSID. The wiasSetValidListLong function sets the valid values for a WIAPROPLIST property of type VTI4. The wiasSetValidListStr function sets the valid values for a WIAPROPLIST property of type VTBSTR.
The wiasSetValidRangeFloat function specifies the range of valid values for a WIAPROPRANGE property of type VTR4. The wiasSetValidRangeLong function specifies the range of valid values for a WIAPROPRANGE property of type VTI4. The wiasUpdateScanRect function updates the scanning area sizes of the scanning device. The wiasUpdateValidFormat function updates the valid format of the property context for the current minidriver.
The wiasValidateItemProperties function validates a list of simple item properties against their current valid values. The wiasWriteBufToFile function writes from a specified buffer to an image file. The wiasWriteMultiple function writes multiple property values to a WIA item.
The wiasWritePageBufToFile function writes the contents of a temporary page buffer to an image file. The wiasWritePageBufToStream function writes the contents of a temporary page buffer to the IStream interface provided by the application.
The wiasWritePropBin function writes a single binary-data property value to a WIA item. The wiasWritePropFloat function writes a single floating-point property value to a WIA item. The wiasWritePropGuid function writes a single GUID property value to a WIA item. The wiasWritePropLong function writes a single long integer property value to a WIA item. The wiasWritePropStr function writes a single string property value to a WIA item. The wiauDbgDump function logs a message containing one or more data values.
The wiauDbgError function logs an error message. The wiauDbgErrorHr function logs a message containing an HRESULT and its error message string. The wiauDbgFlags function determines whether a particular debugging flag is set. The wiauDbgHelper function formats a message and writes it to a log file, or debugger, or both. The wiauDbgHelper2 function writes a message to a log file, or debugger, or both. The wiauDbgInit function initializes WIA debugging.
The wiauDbgLegacyError function logs an error message. The wiauDbgLegacyError2 function logs an error message. The wiauDbgLegacyHresult2 function logs a default message containing an HRESULT.
The wiauDbgLegacyTrace function logs a trace message. The wiauDbgLegacyTrace2 function logs a trace message. The wiauDbgLegacyWarning function logs a warning message. The wiauDbgSetFlags function sets debugging flags. The wiauDbgTrace function logs a trace message. The wiauDbgWarning function logs a warning message.
The wiauGetDrvItemContext function gets the driver item context, and optionally, the driver item. The wiauGetResourceString function gets a resource string, storing it as a BSTR. The wiauGetValidFormats function calls the IWiaMiniDrv The wiauPropInPropSpec function determines whether a specified property specification ID is contained in an array of such values. The function optionally gets the index at which the property specification ID was found.
The wiauPropsInPropSpec function determines whether any of a list of property specification IDs is contained within an array of such values. The wiauSetImageItemSize function calculates the size and width, in bytes, for an image, based on the current WIAIPAFORMAT setting (described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation), and writes the new values to the appropriate properties. The wiauStrC2C function copies an ANSI character string to another ANSI character string. The wiauStrC2W function converts an ANSI character string to a Unicode string.
The wiauStrW2C function converts a Unicode string to an ANSI character string. The wiauStrW2W function copies a Unicode string to another Unicode string.
Structures Title Description The VAL structure is used by the microdriver and WIA Flatbed driver to pass information between each other. The BMPIMAGEINFO structure contains information about a BMP image.
The CHANNELINFO structure is used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTLGETCHANNELALIGNRQST. The DEVICEDESCRIPTOR structure is used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTLGETDEVICEDESCRIPTOR. The DRVVERSION structure is used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTLGETVERSION. The STIERRORINFO structure is used as a parameter for the IStiDevice The IOBLOCK structure is used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTLREADREGISTERS or IOCTLWRITEREGISTERS. The IOBLOCKEX structure is used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTLSENDUSBREQUEST. The MINIDRVTRANSFERCONTEXT structure is used to store image and other information needed for a memory-callback data transfer or a file data transfer.
The PTPVENDORDATAIN structure contains information about an arbitrary command that an application issues to the device. The PTPVENDORDATAOUT structure contains information that the device sends to an application, in response to a command the application issued to the device. The RANGEVALUE structure is used by a microdriver to communicate to the WIA Flatbed driver the legal values for a microdriver function parameter. The SCANINFO structure is used to store and communicate information about a scan acquisition. The SCANWINDOW structure is used by the WIA Flatbed driver to tell the microdriver what image area to scan. The SCSISCANCMD structure is used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTLSCSISCANCMD.
The SCSISCANINFO structure is used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl (described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation), when the specified I/O control code is IOCTLSCSISCANGETINFO. The STINOTIFY structure is used as a parameter to the IStillImage The STISUBSCRIBE structure is used as a parameter for the IStiDevice The STIDEVICEINFORMATION structure is used as an output parameter for the IStillImage The STIDEVICESTATUS structure is used as a parameter to the IStiDevice The STIDEVCAPS structure is used as a parameter to the IStiDevice The STIDIAG structure is used as a parameter to the IStiDevice The STIUSDCAPS structure is used as a parameter for the IStiUSD The STIWIADEVICEINFORMATION structure contains device information. The TWAINCAPABILITY structure holds information used when a TWAIN-compatible application communicates with a WIA driver. The USBSCANGETDESCRIPTOR structure is used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTLGETUSBDESCRIPTOR.
The USBSCANPIPECONFIGURATION structure is used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTLGETPIPECONFIGURATION. The USBSCANPIPEINFORMATION structure is used to describe a USB transfer pipe for a still image device. An array of USBSCANPIPEINFORMATION structures is supplied within a USBSCANPIPECONFIGURATION structure. The USBSCANTIMEOUT structure stores time-out values for USB bulk IN and bulk OUT operations, and interrupts. The WIASCHANGEDVALUEINFO structure is used to store the current and previous values of a property.
The WIASDOWNSAMPLEINFO structure stores information used by the downsampling helper function, wiasDownSampleBuffer. The WIASENDORSERINFO structure holds custom endorser token/value pairs. The WIASENDORSERVALUE structure stores token/value pairs for endorser strings. The WIABARCODES structure stores header information for the barcode metadata report of one scan job (one call to IWiaMiniDrv The WIABARCODEINFO structure stores information for one decoded barcode. The WIADEVCAPDRV structure is used to enumerate device capabilities. A device capability is defined by an event or command that the device supports.
The WIAMICR structure stores header information for the MICR metadata report of one scan job (one call to IWiaMiniDrv The WIAMICRINFO structure stores information for one decoded MICR code. The WIAPATCHCODES structure stores header information for the patch code metadata report of one scan job (one call to IWiaMiniDrv The WIAPATCHCODEINFO structure stores information for one decoded patch code. The WIAPROPERTYCONTEXT structure stores property identifiers and their context. The WIAPROPERTYINFO structure is used to store default access and valid value information for an item property of arbitrary type. The DEVICEDIALOGDATA structure contains all the data needed to implement a custom device dialog.
The DEVICEDIALOGDATA2 structure contains all the data needed to implement a custom device dialog. Enumerations Title Description The PIPETYPE data type is used as input to the DeviceIoControl function, if the I/O control code is IOCTLCANCELIO or IOCTLRESETPIPE. The SKIPAMOUNT enumeration is used to indicate whether the file and informational headers of an image should be skipped over. The RAWPIPETYPE data type is used to specify the type of a USB pipe. The STIDEVICETYPE type identifies the device type of a still image device.The DWORD is divided into a HIWORD containing the major device type, and a LOWORD containing a vendor-defined subtype. I/O control codes Title Description Cancels activity on the specified USB transfer pipe that is associated with the specified device handle. Returns a USB device's maximum packet size for the read, write, and interrupt transfer pipes associated with the specified device handle.
Returns vendor and device identifiers. Returns a description of every transfer pipe supported for a device.
Returns a specified USB Descriptor. Returns the version number of the driver. Reads from USB device registers, using the control pipe.
Resets the specified USB transfer pipe that is associated with the specified device handle. Creates a customized SCSI control descriptor block (CDB) and sends it to the kernel-mode still image driver for SCSI buses. The IOCTLSCSISCANGETINFO I/O control code returns device information. Reserved for use by Microsoft. The IOCTLSCSISCANSETTIMEOUT control code modifies the time-out value used by the kernel-mode still image driver for SCSI buses when it accesses a device.
Reserved for use by Microsoft. Sends a vendor-defined request to a USB device, using the control pipe, and optionally sends or receives additional data.
Sets the time-out value for USB bulk IN, bulk OUT, or interrupt pipe access. Returns information about an event occurring on a USB interrupt pipe. Writes to USB device registers, using the control pipe. Interfaces Title Description The IWiaDrvItem interface provides methods that a WIA minidriver can use to manage a tree of IWiaDrvItem items. The IWiaErrorHandler interface provides the GetStatusDescription and ReportStatus methods, which enable minidrivers to give users information about status or errors during a data transfer and possibly give an opportunity to recover from errors.
The IWiaImageFilter interface is an extension interface implemented by image processing filter developers and called by Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition (WIA). The IWiaLog interface provides methods to enable minidrivers to log trace, error, and warning messages to the diagnostic log file Wiaservc.log. The IWiaMiniDrv interface provides the methods that are the entry points for all communication between the minidriver and the WIA service. These methods allow the WIA service to control the device. The IWiaMiniDrvCallBack interface provides the MiniDrvCallback method, which enables minidrivers to transfer image header data and image data from the imaging device to the WIA service. This is a Callback interface that is called by the WIA mini-driver for stream-based transfers. The IWiaSegmentationFilter interface provides the DetectRegions method, which enables minidrivers to detect image subregions on a flatbed scanner's platen.
This interface is available in Windows Vista and later. The IWiaTransferCallback interface is implemented by image processing filter developers and called by Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition (WIA). Macros Title Description The WIASASSERT macro writes a diagnostic message to the Wiatrace.log file. The WIASERROR macro writes a diagnostic message to the Wiatrace.log file. The WIASHRESULT macro writes a diagnostic message to the Wiatrace.log file.
The WIASLERROR macro is obsolete for Windows Vista and later. It is recommended that the WIASERROR macro be used instead.The WIASLERROR macro writes a diagnostic WIAERROR message to the log file. The WIASLHRESULT macro is obsolete for Windows Vista and later.
It is recommended that the WIASHRESULT macro be used instead. The WIASLHRESULT macro translates an HRESULT value into a string and writes the string to the diagnostic log file. The WIASLTRACE macro is obsolete for Windows Vista and later. It is recommended that the WIASTRACE macro be used instead.The WIASLTRACE macro writes a diagnostic WIATRACE message to the log file. The WIASLWARNING macro is obsolete for Windows Vista and later.The WIASLWARNING macro writes a diagnostic WIAWARNING message to the log file.
The WIASTRACE macro writes a diagnostic message to the Wiatrace.log file. Methods Title Description The AddItemToFolder method adds an IWiaDrvItem item to a folder in a driver item tree. The IWiaSegmentationFilter The IWiaDrvItem The IWiaImageFilter The IWiaDrvItem The IWiaDrvItem The IWiaDrvItem The IWiaDrvItem The IWiaDrvItem The IWiaDrvItem The IWiaDrvItem The IWiaDrvItem The IWiaTransferCallback Called by the WIA mini-driver to obtain a stream for the current data transfer (download or upload). The IWiaDrvItem The system UI calls the GetStatusDescription method to provide the user with extra information about an error, if the user requests this information. This method is implemented by a driver's UI extension. The IWiaImageFilter Note that the IWiaLog interface is obsolete for Microsoft Windows XP and later, and is no longer supported. Instead, use the Diagnostic Log Macros.The IWiaLog The IWiaLog interface is obsolete for Windows XP and later, and is no longer supported.
Use the Diagnostic Log Macros instead.The IWiaLog The MiniDrvCallback method provides a callback method for WIA minidrivers to use during a callback data transfer. The IWiaDrvItem The ReportStatus method displays information about an error or status during a transfer.
In some cases this method allows the user to recover from an error. Periodically called by the WIA mini-driver during a data transfer, to update the WIA application client about the progress and status of the transfer. The IWiaTransferCallback The IWiaDrvItem The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv The IWiaMiniDrv Note that the IWiaLog interface is obsolete for Microsoft Windows XP and later, and is no longer supported.
How do I install the TWAIN or WIA Driver for Windows? Be very careful to follow the steps below in order to install the driver software. Install one of the following drivers from the Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk.
Do not connect your camera to the computer until you have completed this step. Windows 98 / Windows 2000: TWAIN Driver Windows Me / Windows XP: WIA Driver - Copy the required files to your computer. Connect the camera to the computer with the USB cable.
Complete the steps required to install the driver and then close the installer. The installation procedures may vary between Windows versions. Look for your operating system below to determine the exact procedures to follow. WIA Driver Installation Precautions - You can install the WIA Driver if you are using Windows Me or Windows XP.
In addition, you should read the 'WIA Driver Limitations' below before installing the driver. WIA Driver Limitations - When you have set the WIA Driver to start a particular application program when you connect the camera, the program may cause an error message similar to the following to appear: 'TWAIN data source not found. Reinstall the scanner software.' If this happens, select WIA-camera model in the application program as the TWAIN device.
Your camera model name will appear in place of the 'camera model' in the brackets above. Windows Me users cannot use ZoomBrowser EX's auto start function when the WIA Driver is installed. TWAIN Driver is the driver software for USB connections to Windows 98 and Windows 2000 only. It is the software required to load images into TWAIN-compliant application programs, such as ArcSoft PhotoImpression and VideoImpression. Since it is not a stand-alone program, you must always use it by starting it from within a TWAIN-compliant program. WIA Driver is the driver software for USB connections to Windows Me and Windows XP only. When you connect the camera to the computer with a USB cable, the Scanners and Cameras Wizard will open automatically to assist with downloading.
This driver also allows you to use Windows Explorer to display the camera's thumbnail images on the computer and download images with standard file copying procedures. Windows 98 1. Attach the supplied USB cable to the computer's USB port and the camera's Digital Terminal. Prepare the camera for communication with the computer. At the 'Insert Disk' dialog, do not insert the Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk and click OK.
Click the Browse button. The Open dialog will display.
Click the Browse button and select the appropriate folder for your camera model listed below, on the drive where the software has been installed. PowerShot A30: ProgramFiles Canon PowerShot A30 TWAIN PowerShot A40: ProgramFiles Canon PowerShot A40 TWAIN Double-click the drive (usually the C: drive) on which you installed the software to display all of its folders. Select the appropriate folder according to the list above. For example, if your camera is a PowerShot A30, double-click the following folders in the order Program Files, Canon and PowerShot A30 TWAIN. Click the OK button once you have selected the last folder. The window in Step 3 will reappear.
Click the OK button. The TWAIN Driver will install itself automatically. The Event dialog will display when the installation is complete, allowing you to select a program to start. Window 2000/Window Me - Users of Windows 2000 must first log in as an Administrator to install programs.
Attach the supplied USB cable to the computer's USB port and the camera's Digital Terminal. Prepare the camera for communication with the computer.
The Add New Hardware Wizard will appear after a moment and automatically install the TWAIN Driver or WIA Driver. If you are prompted to restart the computer, restart the computer according to the onscreen messages. If you are using Windows 2000, the Event dialog will display when the installation is complete, allowing you to select a program to start. If you are using Windows Me, the Scanners and Cameras Wizard will start. Windows XP - Users of Windows XP Professional must first log in as an Administrator (computer system administrator) to install programs. Attach the supplied USB cable to the computer's USB port and the camera's Digital Terminal.
Prepare the camera for communication with the computer. The Found New Hardware Wizard will appear after a moment and automatically install the WIA Driver. Merge pdf files windows 10. Once the installation is complete, the ZoomBrowser start-up event dialog and the Scanners and Cameras Wizard start-up event dialog will display. Click OK in the event dialog of the application you wish to start (ZoomBrowser EX or Scanners and Cameras Wizard). The event will start. When you use Windows XP, please set your computer to automatically start an event when the camera is connected to the computer.
Be sure to set the computer to start either ZoomBrowser EX or the Scanners and Cameras Wizard. If neither of these is selected the computer will not operate properly.