Free Tomtom One 3rd Edition Voices Newspaper
Hi,I am Looking to update the map on my Tom Tom One 3rd edition (1 GB) below is the info after running TTCurrentConfig.exe. Can anyone help me find and install a newer map? Thanks in advance!
TTGO.BIF: DeviceName=TomTom ONE DeviceVersionHW=ONE (v6) BootLoaderVersion=55001 ApplicationVersionVersionNumber=8010 ApplicationVersion=9369 CurrentMap=USAandCanada CurrentMapVersion=715.1712 TTGO.BAK: Not Found. TTGO.ORI: Not Found. TTNAVIGATOR.BIF: Not Found. Offline Joined: Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:26 pm Posts: 3 Has thanked: times Been thanked: 0 time.
Nov 20, 2007 Samples of Celebrity Voice Files for your TomTom GPS. Free TomTom Voices. If I get and install a new TomTom voice on my TomTom One 3rd edition. Question Tomtom hands free calling. Before you start. 3 Before you start. Switching on and off To switch your TomTom ONE on or off, press and hold the On/Off button for 2 seconds.
Here is my Map, I want to update for a new Map, Benelux of West Europe. Related topics Replies Views Last post., by » Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:16 pm 24 Replies 4343 Views Last post by Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:30 pm. by » Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:41 am 3 Replies 1527 Views Last post by Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:34 am. by » Mon May 05, 2014 12:09 pm 3 Replies 2771 Views Last post by Tue May 06, 2014 2:24 pm.
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I've got a UK version of the TT One 3rd Edn (512MB, w/o SD card slot), which has worked fine until yesterday. Then upon switching it on as normal, it asked to set up a few preferences, such as language, LHD/RHD, miles/km, time, voice, day and night display settings etc. (Given it should have known my preferences from before, this was a bit confusing, but I went ahead and I expected the One to work OK, as it has done for a while. After this, the One boots and gets stuck on the 'startup screen' and won't go further. The power switch on the top will then not allow me to switch off the unit. I've tried many things with no effect: 1) I can power off the unit, using the reset switch at the bottom - a long depression of the reset button doesn't help. Nor does a long depression of the top mounted on/off switch - I get the TomTom screen with the drum sound, but then the startup screen shows and that's it.
2) I CAN acess the One via TomTom Home: I've done a backup and restore - then rebooted - didn't help I've deleted the MapSettings.cfg file - rebooted - didn't help I've deleted all files (using Windows Explorer) except the map folder and the program folder - rebooted, then used TomTom Home to restore - didn't help I've run the Windows CHKDSK program - it found no errors. 3) I CAN use the GPS, via TomTom Home - I can see that it's charged, how many satellites are available and even plan a route. The only thing I've not done yet is a full format of the GPS - would that help? Any other suggestions would be helpful. (I am pretty literate in PC's and techie stuff ) regards Tim (Edited to correct typo's and added info on specific unit).
Hi Zsolt, Thanks for the tip. I've tried exactly as you've suggested - what happens now, is that the 'black TomTom + 2 red hands' screen appears (inc drum sound), shortly followed by the pic of a monitor and the sliding scale at the bottom (both of which happened before) and then it reverts to a black screen with the aforementioned TomTom + 2 red hands logo (but without any further sounds).
And it stays like that - and goes no further So, it's not booting and appears 'stuck'. Likewise, the top mounted power on/off switch still doesn't power the unit off. I have to use the bottom 'reset' button to power it off Any reason why THAT specific CAB file should be used?
I've seen reference to a different CAB file, namely:, the name of which implies that it is for a ONE GPS unit. Regards, Tim UPDATE: I had a brainwave and re-connected the One to my PC and ran TomTom Home - this went straight to 'update' mode and it then downloaded the TT app, voices and a UK/Ireland map to my hard drive.I guess I then have to copy these files over to the One, using the TomTom Home app. I'll keep you posted if these were the next 'tasks' to do, once I extracted the CAB files to the One - and of course if this fixes it. UPDATE #2 So, after TomTom Home updated the app, voices and map, and I was given a chance to restart the One (which didn't happen automatically, so I had to use the reset button AGAIN), so I rebooted, with the One connected by USB to the PC.
I then re-ran TomTom Home which then gave me an option to update the app - which wasn't needed as it was up to date. Now, I'm in a WORSE position - the 'Back up and restore' function and the 'Operate my One' functions are BOTH grayed out - the latter of which gives an error message which says: 'You cannot use this feature as it is not supported by your device'. And I still can't power off the device, by the top on/off switch. BTW: Comparing the original folder names and this new 'version' shows a significant difference in many of the folder names and by implication I suggest that some of the original files are not present with this 'new' version. So, 2 steps forward and 3 steps back Any further suggestions please??
Hi Zsolt Thanks for the links - the version of software on the One was indeed 8.010, so maybe the download you have now suggested will do the trick. I'll update this reply later, once I've gone through the whole procedure again. UPDATE: Having extracted the files, then rebooted and connected to TT Home, TT Home has then 'updated' the app exe to version 7.166. And comparing the files size of the ttsystem file (5,649k) to the original file (6,177k) shows that there is still something of an issue.
On a good side, at least the file folder names now look similar comparing riginal backups and those now on the One. Of course, in an ideal world, I could just use the backup, but whatever has happened to the One has obviously lead to a file corruption and I've got no idea of know which file(s) may be damaged. FOR SITE ADMINS: It would be useful if TomTom could actually make available the directory structure and file sizes, so we could establish which files might be damaged or missing.this would save a lot of work.
UPDATE: So, I've added voices and POI's and it STILL doesn't boot past the 'splash' screen. I figure that my next best option is to contact TomTom support direct and get them to give me the required directory listing so as to see which file(s) are either corrupt or missing. If anyone has a better idea, then please let me know. Hi Traylaw, Thanks for your assistance. I've done a quick printscreen of the files and directories on my TT One and is similar but not the same as yours.
And sadly, I can't see a way of attaching my printscreen dump into this msg. How did you manage to show an image file in your reply?? I have had an email from TT Support and they have suggested I remove the app from both the device and my PC and then to re-install a new app onto the device, by downloading a fresh copy via TT Home. I tried this but it hasn't helped at all and the device still will not go past the splash screen. So, it's back to them for more advice or if anyone here can suggest anything. I'm pretty sure it's a corrupt file that's at the heart of it all, but which one is the issue. What's worse is that I can't 'Operate my One' via TT Home on my PC now and the Backup/Restore function is also now greyed out.
Hi Zsolt Well, I've tried virtually everything - including what you've suggested and even going through an 8 step procedure that TomTom Support suggested, and the unit is still not working. So, I'm suspecting a hardware fault, which is preventing the unit from operating. Is it possible that the Li-Ion battery inside is defective and needing replacement?? - The exact type batteries appear on eBay and Amazon, so my guess is that these batteries DO need replacing - my TomTom One is nearly 4 years old, so the chances of it's battery being at 100% capacity is a bit of a long shot. HOWEVER, the fact is that the GPS CAN be made to work via the PC, using the TomTom Home software.which implies if it's getting power via the USB connection, then this might be 'enough' to get it going.while when it's on it's own battery it fails. But this wouldn't explain why when connected via a USB cable supplying power only, that it still won't boot. So, any further help or suggestion would be appreciated.
Hi, I've replied to this thread, as this is related - although I think maybe I should start a new thread. The original fault has not been resolvable and I made a guess that it might be battery related - so for a fiver I got a new battery. Sadly it didn't help, BUT upon inspecting the mainboard, I've found that component D5 (at the bottom left of the main board) is 'blown' and shows some slight burn marks around it on pcb. Can anyone advise me what D5 might be - the rest of the board has parts marked with R and C prefixes (for resistor and capacitor), so, I'm fairly sure that D5 would be a diode.but which way is it biased and if it's only to protect the device from a revserse voltage, then I can easily short it out for the time being, just to make sure this is the reason for the original problem. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Regards Tim PS I work in the Consumer Electronics business, so dealing with circuit boards is no issue for me, even if it's SMT.