Joe Simon Drowning In The Sea Of Love Rares
“Nick Robinson imagine where Nick asked out the reader on a date (which is his crush) and tells her to meet him at this restaurant and hours past by and he never showed up and the reader is upset bc she thought that he actually like her, but he stood her up. And the next day at school she gave him the silent treatment and smacked him across the face and he try’s to make it up to her cuz he really likes her and didn’t mean to stood her up.
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The rest is up to you. Srry it’s so long😁” — “Miss, would you like to order yet?” The smart looking man was once again stood next to my slouched figure, my eyes tingling with tears as the embarrassment settled in. This was the 6th time he had been over, In two hours. Yep, two whole hours i was pathetically sat at this small table in this stupidly fancy restaurant. I should’ve left, I know I should’ve.
But there was still that small slither of hope tingling within me, the thought that Nick was going to walk through those doors, greeting me with a beautiful smile. I was pathetic, really. I shook my head at the tall male, gripping my purse in my small hands before hastily walking away from the table and towards the car park. The air was cold and it nipped painfully at my legs and arms, the wind whipping my hair around my face and shoulders. Clambering into my car I smacked my hand down on the steering wheel in a burst of anger, the action causing the car to move slightly. Taking deep breaths I straightened out my wind swept hair and brushed away the few tears that had left my eyes and raced down my rosy cheeks. I had been stood up.
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I should’ve known the moment the notorious Nick, my own crush, had walked towards me and passed me a slip of paper holding the messy scrawl of details for the night. “A date” he’d said when my face had show utter confusion, “you and me, Saturday night”. The words had caused my heart to pound harder than ever before, a smile stretching on my lips before I found myself nodding. I should’ve known it was too good to be true. How naive of me to agree so soon and believe that Nick actually had a thing for little old me. Sighing one more time, I shoved my bag onto the passenger seat and started up my car.
I ignored the harsh pricking in my eyes and the knot in my chest as I made my way home. Tomorrow was going to be torture. Hey wait up!” Nicks calls echoed in the hallway, dragging unnecessary attention to me and him. I confined to walk, drowning out his persistent calls with my own thoughts. Clutching my books tighter i weaved between students and kept my head down, surely they already knew what had happened.
A large hand gripped my elbow tightly, the action causing my body to jolt and my arms to release my heavy books onto the carpeted floor. They cluttered messily around my feet, the tanned hand still gripping my elbow as I stood still, the hallway now silent. “Y/N, Please” Nicks voice held desperation yet I still ignored him.
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He expected me to talk to him after I had waited and been humiliated by him? “Go Away!” My voice was harsh as I ripped my elbow out of his grip and collected my books, I knew my face was red with anger and I didn’t even want to look at Nick, it would only fuel my anger towards him more. “Why are you being like this!? Just-” He didn’t get to finish.
The sound of my slap echoed off the hallway walls, followed by people taking in sharp intakes of breath and gasp in shock as they watched on from the sidelines. “Don’t you dare! Why am I being like this? Oh just piss off Nick!” I had quite frankly, had enough. I wasn’t going to waste my time any longer on someone who wanted nothing more than a joke to play, he wasn’t worth my time.
Nick stood frozen, his hand covering the side of his face that my hand had collided with. He didn’t look mad, just shocked. His dark hair was messy on his head and his other hand was resting slightly on his bag strap, jaw clenched and eyes filled with determination.
I sighed a heavy sigh, “just don’t okay?” I spoke tiredly, Nicks face softening as he watched me turn and walk away from his stiff figure, what now? – “Can I get everyone’s attention. EVERYONE!” My head snapped to the sound of the shout, instantly finding the source I groaned and covered my face with my hands.
“So recently, I asked a beautiful girl on a date” cheers erupted from the cafeteria as Nick stood high on one of the tables. “She said yes, go me!” He laughed heartily as his eyes searched the room,skimming over everyone before he reached me. “I was excited as hell, I mean who wouldn’t be? I booked a reservation and planned how I was gonna look handsome as fu.dge” more cheers. Only, I never turned up” his head Hung lowly as the cheers and chatter turned to boos and “what the hell Nick!” He started to smile slightly at the response carrying on nonetheless. “I know, I know. I’m an ass” I nodded along with the groups of people, he really was.
“But I want to make it right. Y/N I really am sorry, and I wanted you to know that I really do like you, I have done for a while” scratching the back of his neck nervously he looked my way for a reaction. My heart was hammering harshly against my rib cage as my face turned a bright Crimson colour, oh my god.
“I want to make it up to you. If you’d let me” everybody’s eyes were now on me, the bar now set higher than ever. Nick clambered down from the table, his feet speedily dragging over to my own table, standing right infront of my sitting figure. “How do I know you’re not lying?
I’m not going to be let down again-” Nick cut me off, his smirk appearing as he covered my mouth with his hand. “If I was lying, would I do this?” I panicked, do what!? In seconds his lips were stuck to mine, the soft skin of his own meshing with mine to make a sweet kiss. He gripped my cheeks in his hands and mine went to his hair, the kiss deepening. Was this really happening?? He pulled away slowly, teasing as he held my bottom lip in his teeth softly before letting go fully and looking me in the eye.
We just- oh god I hated PDA! Who am I turning into?? “So, what do you say? Will you Y/N Y/L/N do me the honour of going on a- well another- date with me?” His eyes held a lot of hope as he stared up at me, his hands still pressing on my face. I smiled brightly before removing his hands.
Joe Simon Drowning In The Sea Of Love Video
“Nope!” I smiled again, the cafeteria bursting into whispers as they all - still - looked on at the current scene. “Okay so I’ll pick you up- whAT!?” His face was bright red, confusion clouding his features as he stood up abruptly.
He was super tall, his body looming over my own small frame; seeing him wound up was actually hot as hell. “I’m just kidding you idiot. I’ll go on a date with you. But this is the last chance because I really like you Nick and I’m not going to be mess-” his lips were on mine again in another kiss, his hands gripping my hips as he hugged me closer for the second time in the past 10 minutes. Maybe there is room for second chances.
THIS IS LAME AF I APOLOGISE!!! ITS 1:30AM AND IVE HAD A SHIT DAY, I always promise to update and write a lot but so much stuff happens and gets in the way:(( I’m a sucky writer and account holder so I really do apologise.
Anyway, this was short as heck but enjoy, sorry for mistakes an crappiness:))). Words: 1360 Requested: nope Rating: all readers you weren’t sure what to expect as you walked into place you’d be met with all the faces you had once known 10 years ago. Now being 28 you had maybe one or two close friends from high school, the rest you never talked to again or were just Facebook friends. One of the faces you are about to see include your high school sweetheart, your first love. Yes all that cliche stuff that happened in high school, that you constantly tried to forget about. Let’s just say the last week of school a fight broke you up and you ended up sitting all by yourself at prom, while he danced with one of the cheerleaders that he knew you didn’t like.
28 years old and you were still single and had only had a few boyfriends the past 10 years and the longest of that was 6 months. Simcity 5 limited edition iso crackers. For the most part of you being an independent woman, you just spent the past 10 years working as a As you walked down the hallways the memories that you tried to push away all these years came rushing back to, the quick make outs along the walls when teacher wouldn’t be watching, the girls looking at you with envy because they wanted to date Nick. Now they wouldn’t have to envy you, he was probably happy with some other girl.
You inhaled a breath of air as you opened the door to the room, already being ten minutes late. “Y/F/N we thought you weren’t coming” You heard the voice of one of your old classmates that you barely remembered the name of as you just nodded before finding your way to your only good friends now Alissa and Rose. “How come I have to go through a full day of work and then I’m forced to come visit people who I knew ten years ago” You sighed as you sat down beside the girls resting your head on Alissa’s shoulder. They gave you a fake offended look as you reassured them that they were the only ones you wanted to see. “So y/n still going out with Josh” Rose asked referring to an idiot of a guy that you ended up dumping two months ago because let’s just say he was a self-absorbed guy who ended up cheating on you with your co-worker who you once classified as a friend. “Dumped his sorry ass when he cheated on me with Sarah” You muttered as you looked around to find where the wine was served that Alissa held in her hand, as you spotted the table of drinks you noticed no other than your old boyfriend standing right beside it chatting to one of his old mates that he was on the soccer team with. After a few minutes of contemplating if the wine was worth it, you stood up and walked towards the table, knowing you wouldn’t be able to get through this night without a couple glasses of wine.
A few faces glanced at you with curiousness, as you were well aware that it probably looked like you were walking towards Nick. As you finally reached the table Nick looked at you before doing a double take, yet all you did was ignore him and grabbed the wine, grabbing the biggest glass you could find and pouring enough that would get you through the first hour.
As Nick’s friend left he turned towards you leaning his arm against the table, his signature smirk adoring his face, as he started speaking. “Why if it isn’t miss y/l/n, how have you been beautiful?” He asked, the look on his face making it seem genuine. Already having enough of his presence you scoffed and turned to walk away the glass of wine held firmly in your hand, as your attitude made it seem as if you were in your teen years again. You saw eyes following your movements as you walked away from Nick and back to your friends, him making no more efforts to talk to you.
Throughout the night people kept asking what had happened with Nick and why he went to the prom with Bethany way back 10 years ago.Flashback. As you were sat alone at one of the nicely decorated tables, you were questioning why your prom had to end like this. You knew it was too good to be true to have a nice boyfriend that you dated for the most of high school with no mishaps, now the day before graduation you were sad and just wanted to be finished with school. Your friends all had dates that they were dancing with, hell even Nick had somehow found himself a date in the short time that our breakup was.
Which was only three days, it had taken him three days to get over me. I guess you could say that was probably what hurt the most right now.
You looked away from Nick as a slow song came on and they began to slowly dance. Over the course of the night teachers came up to you asking if you were alright and questioning why you were sat alone at prom by yourself, resulting in feeling self pity and sadness as you attempted to hold back all the tears.
But you had already told yourself no crying, not tonight and in front of all these people. As You saw Nick kiss Bethany you rushed to the bathroom, already feeling the tears spilling from your eyes, as you sobbed in the bathroom stall you questioned why you had even decided to come tonight.
Deciding you had enough you walked out of the bathroom and straight to the exit of the room you were in, your dressed crinkled and your face probably smudged with mascara.Flashback ended. Graduation wasn’t as special as it should’ve been as you didn’t feel one bit excited and got off the stage as soon as you could, leaving at the first possible chance you had gotten. As you were stood talking to one of your old teacher you were grabbed by the hand and heard Nick’s voice as he apologised to the teacher telling her how he had to speak to you. “I’m sorry” He sighed after you had both left the classroom and were standing out in the hallways, it was weird how it was so quiet. Back in high school you were used to the constant chatter of students. “For what” You asked quietly as you looked towards him and saw how much he had changed, his features had matured and he looked just as hot as he did when he was eighteen. But now was not the time to be checking out your ex boyfriend.
“For being such a fucking ass, at prom” He said as he explained that he saw how you looked that night and never did anything to make you feel better. “I mean you did just go off with some other girl three days after we broke up” You stated attempting to add some humour, but you both knew you weren’t being humorous on bit. That was probably the thing that hurt the most with the whole break up. “Y/N I’m such a fucking idiot and I know this probably is a weird time to ask, as we haven’t seen each other in 10 years, but since we broke up I haven’t had a proper relationship and seeing you tonight made me realise how I’m still in love with your beautiful self, so what I’m saying is can I take you out on a date” He blurted out all that he said as you giggled at him. Deciding to be a little spontaneous you grabbed his hand and pushed him against the lockers playfully as you kissed his lips for the first time in 10 year and as you felt the sparks you knew that this could work out again. Remember to request!

There's an old saying 'You can take a person out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the person.' And surrounded with M.F.S.B., hot songs, and Bobby Martin's arrangements, and still comes off sounding country, but in a positive vein. 'Drowning in the Sea of Love' shot up the charts, settling at number three R&B and number 11 pop, and was a certified million-seller.
This album is the most successful of 's career. 'Pool of Bad Luck' nearly duplicated the success of 'Drowning'; both songs were similar to productions were doing with. 's thick Southern drawl didn't discourage record buyers at all; 'I Found My Dad' is the most country-based song on the album, with the same flavor as his past R&B number one hit 'The Choking Kind.' The ballads are as effective as the up-tempo numbers; 'If' and a remake of ' 'You Are Everything' demonstrate 's versatility. Though an unusual marriage at first glance (similar to when Holland-Dozier-Holland announced they were going to produce ), it worked extremely well, producing some of the best songs of 's career.