Sharperbrain Program Pro
Using SharperBrain, A Computer-Assisted Program, to Treat Attention Deficit Disorders & Learning Disabilities: A Review of 3 Case Studies Bob Gottfried, Ph.D. Title: Using SharperBrain, A Computer-Assisted Program, To Treat Attention Deficit Disorders (AD/HD) And Learning Disabilities (LD): Author: ricky. “Kudos for an excellent resource! This SharpBrains Guide is full of top notch information, provides practical tips and helps separate hype from.
Update (11/10/10): Have you seen PBS great specials on Brain Fitness and Neuroplasticity? ($24.95) “The Brain Fitness Program is based on the brain’s ability to change and adapt, even rewire itself. In the past two years, a team of scientists has developed computer-based stimulus sets that drive beneficial chemical, physical and functional changes in the brain. Michael Merzenich of the University of California and his colleagues share their scientifically based set of brain exercises in this life-altering program. Peter Coyote (pictured) narrates. ” PBS aired in December 2007 a special program on neuroplasticity, brain fitness, aging and the brain titled “Brain Fitness Program”.
To watch the 3-minute trailer: click. In 2008, PBS released a second DVD: ($24.95) “This program, specifically designed to help people get the most from their vision and hearing as they age, considers how these senses change throughout life and what people can do to keep them healthy and fully functional.”.
If you do not have time to watch these great documentaries, here are a few points one needs to understand about neuroplasticity: 1. The human brain is now considered to be a highly dynamic and constantly reorganizing system capable of being shaped and reshaped across an entire lifespan. It is believed that every experience alters the brain’s organization at some level.
The key words in this new approach to the brain are neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. Neuroplasticity refers to the lifelong capacity of the brain to change and rewire itself in response to the stimulation of learning and experience. Neurogenesis is the ability to create new neurons and connections between neurons throughout a lifetime. The latter process is also referred to as synaptogenesis.
This new paradigm contrasts with traditional ideas of the human brain being a fixed and essentially limited system that only degrades with age. As we age, the rate of change in the brain, or neuroplasticity, declines but does not come to a halt.
Sharper Brain Program
In addition, we now know that new neurons can appear in certain parts of the brain up until the day we die. Brain plasticity is crucial following head injury.
It is the one brain’s ability that allows recovery. Brain plasticity is also the ability that brain training takes advantages of to try to slow down the aging process. To read about evidence of neuroplasticity in the human brain take a look at ———- Note: How can anyone take care of his or her brain when every week brings a new barrage of articles and studies which seem to contradict each other? Do supplements improve memory? Do you need both physical and mental exercise –or is one of them enough?
Why is managing stress so important to attention and memory? Which brain training approach, if any, is worth one’s time and money? If you have these questions, check out this new book,.
To help consumers and professionals navigate through the growing number of programs and apps making “brain fitness” or “brain training” claims, we offer this SharpBrains Checklist, sourced from. 10 Questions to Evaluate Brain Fitness Programs — and a brief explanation of why each question is important:. 1. Are there scientists, ideally neuropsychologists, and a scientific advisory board behind the program? Neuropsychologists specialize in measuring and understanding human cognition and brain structure and function. Are there published, peer-reviewed scientific papers in PubMed written by those scientists?
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Is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes millions of citations science journals. If a scientist has not published a paper that appears in that database, he or she cannot make scientific claims. What are the specific benefits claimed for using this program?
What specific cognitive skill is the program training? Some programs present the benefits in such a nebulous way that it is impossible to tell if they will have any results or not. “Brain training” itself is a limited benefit, because activities like gardening or learning a new language provide “brain training” tooyou need to see something more specific, like what cognitive or emotional skill that program is aimed at enhancing. Does the program tell me what cognitive or emotional skill I am exercising, and is there an independent assessment to measure my progress?
The question is whether the improvement experienced in the program will transfer into real life. For that to happen we need assessments that are distinct from the exercises themselves. Is it a structured program with guidance on how many hours per week and days per week to use it? Cognitive training, or brain training, is not a magic pill. You have to do the exercises in order to benefit, so you need clarity on the effort required. Do the exercises vary and teach me something new? The only way to exercise important parts of our brain is by tackling novel challenges.
Does the program challenge and motivate me, or does it feel like it would become easy once I learned it? Good mental exercise requires increasing levels of difficulty.
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Does the program fit my personal goals? Each individual has different goals and needs when it comes to brain health. For example, some want to manage anxiety, others to improve short-term memory. Does the program fit my lifestyle? Some brain training programs have good short-term results but are very intense. Others may be better over time.
Am I ready and willing to do the program, or would it be too stressful? Excess stress reduces, or may even inhibit, neurogenesis-the creation of new neurons. So, it is important to make sure not to do things that stress us in unhealthy ways. We hope this information is useful. Feel free to share it! 10 Questions to Choose the Right Brain Fitness Program for You 10 Questions to Choose the Right Brain Fitness Program for You (Bookmark size).